Tuesday, November 6, 2012

VOTE! But for who?

       As the 2012 election day arrives and somewhat "looms" over the heads of all Americans, I am getting a bit nervous.  Ever since I became a registered voter, promptly at the age of 18, I have yet to miss a presidential vote.  While I must admit the first year after I married and failed to move my registration in a timely manner, my Daddy drove right on down to the local polling place and cast his vote for my candidate--which was NOT his candidate--so I feel that counts.  This year, I feel that there is much more at stake than I can ever recall.  
       Now that we have come to the year of our Lord two thousand and twelve, the reasons I choose a candidate are somewhat different than they were all those years ago.  I am proud to say that I do not readily associate myself with either major political party.  I try to vote for whom-ever I feel is best suited for the job.  Sometimes I make the right decision and sometimes I make the left one.  In either case, it has always been easy for me to decide which box to check.  This year is no different, my selection process--however--is something quite new.

      I am a very regular person.  I am a Christian.  I am a mother.  I am a wife.  I am a WASP.

       I believe in safety.  I am greatly appreciative of our military forces and support them completely. I own a gun and know how to use it.  My children know gun safety.  I have purchased guns, had gun permits and don't plan to change that any time soon.  I also think that automatic and semi-automatic weapons should be for military use only.  

       I believe in being a good steward to the earth God has given us.  I recycle-because I want to, not because someone told me to.  I also think that man made Global Warming--or Climate Change--or whatever the heck they are calling it this week is a mass marketing tool.  There are way too many folks making a living trying to convince the rest of us we need to be "green" and that we are killing the planet. Right here in Alabama, it's not any hotter or colder now than it ever has been in my lifetime.  We simply all have year round heating and cooling systems in all of our homes and cars.  We are accustomed to climate control.   I'm sorry but, in 5th grade science I learned about a little thing called "magnetic reversal of the poles".  Look it up--trust me.

       I believe in the CHURCH caring for others--not the government.  I give my time and my tithe to my church.  In fact, in the wake of the April 27th tornadoes all across Alabama, the area churches did such a GREAT job taking care of everyone that once FEMA actually arrived, many areas turned them away.  Their needs had been met quickly, effectively and voluntarily with NO EXPENSE to tax payers.  And no--we don't ask where you go to church or what you believe in OR who you voted for.  We show up, we cook, we clean, we cut trees, we open our homes AND we open our checkbooks. We take care of ALL God's children.....red and yellow, black and white, every one of them precious in His sight.

       I thank God every day for the blessings of my son and daughter.  I am very proud of my children and the fact that my husband and I chose to bring them into this world.  I consider it a privilege to raise my children and don’t expect the government to help--or to tell me how they think I should be doing things "their way".   

       I feel great compassion for those who are less fortunate than I.  I feel great contempt for those who lie around with no ambition and no desire to better themselves.  One of the greatest movie scenes I have ever seen is in Cinderella Man, staring Mr. Russell Crowe.  For those of you who don't know, it is set during The Great Depression.  Mr. Crowe portrays a boxer named James J. Braddock.  Like most folks during that time, he and his family loose almost everything--except each other.  Against his will, and ONLY to keep his family together, he accepts public assistance. When his character, after getting somewhat back on his feet, takes his first paycheck and stands in line to pay back every single penny the government had given him--wow, that's really something to see. We could all take a lesson from that.  I think that when you GIVE things to people without giving them an opportunity to EARN them, it takes away their desire to make their own world a better place. The best way to take care of anyone is to show them how to take care of themselves.

       I believe that we should treat our Veterans like kings and queens.  Anyone who VOLUNTARILY decides to defend our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness should be admired and appreciated by every single American. We rise and sleep under the very blanket of freedom they provide.  If anyone deserves to be taken care of by the government, it's them. 

       I believe that sexuality is genetic.  I have some really lovely, beautiful lady friends but the thought of kissing any one of them makes me physically ill.  I also have very dear friends (and family) who are gay. One very close friend of mine faced struggles in this area that I can't even bear to repeat. He even contemplated suicide. Guess what else--he is a Christian! Will wonders never cease.... Thankfully--he came out (no pun intended) un-scathed. I also have very dear friends (and family) who think sexuality is a choice. I believe that they are entitled to their opinions and think we should all be able to disagree without being disagreeable. I love all my family and friends and I think we should all share the same civil rights as every other tax paying American.  

        I believe that the current tax codes are comical.  I say that because I have to laugh about them to keep myself from crying.  I pay more taxes than should ever be allowed by law and I don't like it. It is NOT my responsibility to pay for the folks who WON'T pay for themselves. Why should I be called "greedy" because I would like to save the money I EARN but someone who wants money they did NOT earn is not?  Blows my mind.  To all the people who say they don't mind paying more--I say go right ahead.  This April, send in a check as big as you like.  There is no law against it.  It escapes me why a housewife from Alabama can grasp the concept of a flat tax but the folks in Washington can’t.   I have said it before (with a little prompting from Jerry Ryan) and I will say it again, if 10% is good enough for Jesus, why isn't it good enough for Uncle Sam?

        I believe that women are equal to men.  I believe that women who degrade themselves for men's pleasure are completely lost. I believe that men who don't stand up for what's right in this world (especially when right rarely equals popular) are cowards. 

        I believe that EVERYONE is entitled to a GREAT education.

       I believe in stronger immigration laws.  I also believe that if every illegal immigrant left this country today, we would all live in dirty houses with crooked sheetrock and knee high grass in the yard.  

       I think that the remedy for health care costs lies within regulation for drug companies and hospitals.  My son once broke his arm and we took him to the emergency room.  He came home with an ace bandage and his arm in a sling until he could get a hard cast the next day.  When my insurance statement arrived a week later, there was a charge (which my insurance company had paid) for SURGERY.  I called the insurance company and told them there was a mistake.  I explained all about the ace bandage and the sling and then the very polite woman on the phone told me not to worry--that's just how they bill that sort of thing.  I'm sorry but--$1200 for supplies I could have gotten at my local pharmacy for $20 is ridiculous.  In another instance, my husband came home from the doctor's office with an ankle brace.  He is a runner and liked it so much, he wanted another one for his other foot.  I found the EXACT SAME brace on amazon.com for $35.  The next week when the insurance statement came, they had paid the doctor's office $350 for the one he got there.  Seriously--HIGHWAY ROBBERY I tell you! 

       I believe that providing free anything for everyone is NEVER a good idea.  

       I believe that America should take care of America-before it takes care of anyone else.

        I want to see a candidate-male or female—black or white-stand up in front of a camera and be specific.  I want to hear a LEADER, not a panderer. I want to hear what someone really thinks, what they really believe.  Not what some group of wet behind the ears, idealistic flunkies typed onto a sheet of paper for them to read.  I do not want to hear what they think will give them a rise in the polls.  I want to hear someone defend our founding fathers and what they stood for. I want to hear someone say that separation of church and state is designed to keep the government out of The Church, not the other way around. I want to vote for someone who is not apologetic.  Say what you mean and stand by it.  If I don’t like it, that’s my problem.  Be strong. Be real. Be yourself!!
       I am very blessed by God in more ways than I could ever dream to deserve. I will continue to pray for HIS guidance as I prepare to cast this most important ballot today.   I will pray for people with power to get good sense and people with good sense to get power.  

                         In my opinion, with our help, America can be great again!

The Alabama Housewife
November 6, 2012